Taheebo tea is one of the wonderful gifts of nature originating in South America. It comes from the internal bark of the Taheboo tree, known as Ipe Roxo, which only grows in the uncontaminated ozone areas in the Andes, where the air is fresh and clean, free from smog, gases and pesticides. The Taheebo is the holy tree of the Calaway tribe, descendants of the ancient Incas, who also used it as a cure for many diseases. The curative properties are due to the presence of lapachon and beta-lapachon (naphthoquinones properties) which are the two primarily active ingredients.
Preparation and dosage: put 3-4 teaspoons of Taheebo tea from Vitalia in 1 litre boiling water. Leave it to simmer for 3-5 minutes. Then reduce the temperature and leave it to simmer again for another 15 minutes. Filter the tea out in a non-metallic cup and drink it through the whole day. To increase the appetite, drink it 20 minutes before the meal.
Recommended dosage: 1 liter daily. The dosage and length of therapy for a particular disease is determined according to the individual clinical condition.